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Absence of wandering domains for some real entire functions with bounded singular sets

机译:对于一些有限的真实整个函数,没有游荡域   奇异集



Let f be a real entire function whose set S(f) of singular values is real andbounded. We show that, if f satisfies a certain function-theoretic condition(the "sector condition"), then $f$ has no wandering domains. Our resultincludes all maps of the form f(z)=\lambda sinh(z)/z + a, where a is a realconstant and {\lambda} is positive. We also show the absence of wandering domains for certain non-real entirefunctions for which S(f) is bounded and the iterates of f tend to infinityuniformly on S(f). As a special case of our theorem, we give a short, elementary andnon-technical proof that the Julia set of the complex exponential map f(z)=e^zis the entire complex plane. Furthermore, we apply similar methods to extend a result of Bergweiler,concerning Baker domains of entire functions and their relation to thepostsingular set, to the case of meromorphic functions.
机译:令f是一个真实的完整函数,其奇异值的集合S(f)是有界的。我们证明,如果f满足特定的函数理论条件(“部门条件”),则$ f $没有漫游域。我们的结果包括形式为f(z)= \ lambda sinh(z)/ z + a的所有映射,其中a是实常数,而{\ lambda}是正数。我们还显示出对于S(f)有界且f的迭代项趋向于在S(f)上无限无限均匀地存在的某些非真实整函数,没有游荡域。作为我们定理的一个特例,我们给出了简短的,基本的和非技术性的证明,即复指数映射f(z)= e ^ zi的Julia集构成了整个复平面。此外,对于亚纯函数,我们应用相似的方法来扩展关于整个函数的Baker域及其与奇异集的关系的Bergweiler结果。



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